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1. Which may not be a benefit derived from the use of graphic organizer?
a. Strengthen team work
b. Enable students to identify important ideas and details
c. Represent stated information in concrete form
d. Make relationship detail clear

2. The following are proponents of perennialism except _________
a. Robert Hutchins
b. Paulo Freire
c. Greeks
d. Adler

3. If reality is politically, socially and economically formed, this philosophy is being followed;
a. Essentialism
b. Re-constructivism
c. Progressivism
d. Perennialism
4. Which of the following are the components of Learning objectives?
I. Description of what the students will be able to do.
II. The conditions under which the student will perform the task
III. The criteria for evaluating the student performance
a. I only
b. I, II, III
c. I and II
d. II only

5. Also known as Higher Education Act of 1994 which CHED was identify by the state to become the centers of excellence.
a. RA 9155
b. RA 7796
c. RA 7722
d. Batas Pambansa 232

6. A brain development disorder characterized by impairments in social interaction and communication and restricted and repetitive behavior, all exhibited before the child is three years old.
a. Autism
b. Down Syndrome
d. OCD

7. Which of the following needs is addressed when teachers encourage active class participation through individual and group activities?
a. The need to be popular within the group
b. The need to be accepted, important and appreciated
c. The need to be close to the teacher
d. The need to be happy and satisfied at the expense of others.

8. Teacher A said this; “The learner is the product of his environment. Sometimes he has no choice. He is determined by his environment.”
a. Epicureanism
b. Behaviorism
c. Progressivism
d. Ascetism

9. This classroom practice is not recommended because it does not promote sound classroom management.
a. Applying rules and regulations on a case to case basis
b. Enforcing firm and fair discipline in the classroom
c. Developing a system of coming in and coming out of the room
d. Establishing rules, regulations and routines starting on the first day of the school

10. A theory of philosophy that defines views about the learner, the teacher and the school.
a. Philosophy of Education
b. Philosophical Analysis
c. Pedagogy
d. Curriculum

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11. Which according to RA 9155 is concerned as the heart of the formal education system?
a. Students
b. School
c. Teachers
d. Stakeholders

12. Student B learn and understand that peace is not just the absence of direct /physical violence but also the presence of conditions of well-being, cooperation and just relationship in the human and ecological spheres.
a. Social Approach in Peace
b. Socio-cultural Peace Education
c. Transformative Peace Education
d. Holistic Concept of Peace

13. An abstract system of word meaning and symbols for all aspect of culture.
a. Paralanguage
b. Semantics
c. Language
d. All of the above

14. Which of the following characterize a flexible classroom?
a. Its emphasis is on teaching and learning process rather than results
b. Well planned ahead of time and the procedures follow accepted rules and regulations.
c. There is allowance for free movement, time allotment and even in decisions regarding modes of undertaking the learning activities.
D. A and B

15. The first psychologist who published the first psychometric theory in 1904.
a. Philip Vernon
b. Jean Piaget
c. Charles Spearman
d. LL. Thurstone

16. The following are adheres on the philosophy of idealism except,
a. Intellectual education is the development of sense discriminating free expression and acquisition of knowledge through natural curiosity
b. The material world is mortal and changing
c. The ultimate reality is mental or spiritual in nature
d. All of the above

17. The theory describes the psychological events in terms of transformations of information from input to output. It stresses the value of perception, attention and memory in the learning process.
a. Instrumental Conceptualism
b. Information Processing Theory
c. Gestalt Theory
d. Input-Output Learning

18. Which of the following is considered as a Crowd Group?
a. People watching theatrical play
b. Religious revival meeting
c. People waiting for a bus stop
d. None of the Above

19. Based on Jung’s psychological theory, a child who is shy and prefers to be alone falls under what classification?
a. Extrovert
b. Ambivalent
c. Paranoid
d. Introvert

20. Blogs is the most rapidly growing form of electronic communication. What was it first used for?
a. For addressing the right of a person to express his ideas in electronic world
b. For business to communicate in a personal manner and form a bond with them
c. For spreading the good news or the word of the Lord.
d. For addressing problems concerning human rights violations

21. The focus of the curriculum is the classical subjects, literary analysis and the curriculum is constant. What educational philosophy was being stated?
a. Perennialism
b. Essentialism
c. Idealism
d. Progressivism

22.Which of the following teachers use cumulative system in computing the final grade of their students?
a. Teacher A added all the scores and divided it into the total number of marking term
b. Teacher B obtained the final grade by getting 30% grade obtained in the previous period and 70% of the last grading period
c. Teacher C looks at the heavens and intentionally put random grades.
d. Teacher A and B is the correct answer

23. Principal C shares this thought with his teachers: Subject matter should help students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and actions. From which philosophy is this thought based?
a. Pragmatism
b. Existentialism
c. Essentialism
d. Progressivism

24. Which group of philosophers maintains that truth exist in an objective order that is independent of the knower?
a. Realist
b. Idealist
c. Pragmatist
d. Existentialist

25. To teach the democratic process to the pupils, Biag Elementary School decided that the election of class officers shall be patterned after local elections. There are qualifications set for candidates, limited period for campaign and rules for posting campaign materials, etc. Which of the following did the school use?
a, Symposium
b. Simulation
c. Pole playing
d. Philips 66

‘Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach.’ 
