
Showing posts with the label Test Item Selection

Test Items Selection and its Ethical Principles

  Articles for Teachers “They do not merely collect text; they must also gather data about the context and the informant and above all, write analysis of the items based upon the course readings and lecture material on folklore theory and method” as stated by Alan Dundes an American Folklorist. Though his statement clearly is not on the context of psychological test and item analysis yet it shows the objective of the item analysis. In psychological testing, this item analysis refers to the selection of the items or questionnaires that will be use to promote a reliable and valid sets of items. It also shortens the number of questions but guarantees the right data are collected and the test objectives are met. A meticulous, exhaustive process of filtering the correct    items that relatively correlate to the theory and principles being use by the test maker. Let’s just say it’s a quality control wherein ...