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Explore your spiritual core. By exploring your spiritual core, you are simply asking yourself questions about the person you are and your meaning. Ask yourself: Who am I? What is my purpose? What do I value most? These questions will lead you down a road where you will think more in-depth about yourself and allow you to notice things about yourself that will help you achieve fulfillment.
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Ethics 101 - John C. Maxwell

Good Leaders ask Questions - John C. Maxwell

Attract and Seduce - Byron Seingalt

How to Influence People - John C. Maxwell

Be a People Person - John C. Maxwell

Attitude 101 - John C. Maxwell

Develop your Leadership Skills - John Adair

25 Ways to Win with People - John C. Maxwell


The Reading Republic offers a wide range of books in various discipline that will help, support and enhance the knowledge, and understanding in a different aspect or field of knowledge such as history, business, laws, politics, science and many more. It contains a library like environment where you can freely download books with just a click of a finger. The Reading Republic will provide a good quality reading materials to supplement the students needs in the 21st century. Feel free to download and enjoy reading.




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